The legendary Chuck Taylor All-Star sneaker by Converse is somehow getting even more cool. The brand has stepped on a pedal and is releasing the first prototype of the iconic shoe with a built-in cutting-edge micro-sensor technology. This innovative design from a leading fashion and wearable technology brand CuteCircuit brings a whole new twist to guitar playing.

Converse sent a challenging brief to agencies to see what they could do with a pair of plain Chuck Taylor sneakers which were first designed in 1917 for basketball players and later made their way to the “rock” stage: “We’re going to give you some Chucks. You do something amazing with them. No rules, no guidelines, no limits.”

The agency Critical Mass stood out from the competition with one thing in mind – the customer – and has produced a creative, fun and innovative tone-control operator which with each motion of your foot provides a lot of tone variation and “musicianship” to your guitar playing. It’s the different approach and inspiration that wins on all fronts by making a rock ‘n’ roll sneaker even more rock ‘n’ roll.

A working wah wah pedal – complete with twin jack ports to plug in your guitar and amp

As many legendary products, The All-Wahs have already some impostors who are trying to be a bit too brassy:

Let us know if you would rock these sneakers, because we certainly would. Also, if you need more information about the technical side of things, visit the agency’s website.

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The All Wah packaging
Converse All-Wah with a built-in pedal


Critical Mass & Converse