We are constantly bombarded with news from all directions. Most consumers take for granted almost anything they find online and decide to share a text based only on its catchy headline without even reading the article’s content. Before distributing a text, Internet users should do a little digging to find out whether the presented information is real and worthy to be shared.

To prevent this from happening, the News Literacy Project – NLP — initiated the #SeeAlltheAngles campaign through which it fights against fake news, and challenges readers to strive a bit more when reading a text in order to find out if it’s fake or real.

NLP Alphabet | Click to enlarge

After teaming up with JWT New York, the NGO is trying to draw attention to this issue by launching a confusing campaign which uses a font that doesn’t bear any resemblance to any other writing system known to mankind so far.

NLP’s alphabet literally changes its form and pushes readers to struggle a bit more when reading a text, as it should normally be. Apparently undecipherable, the letters created specially by JWT for NLP were approached from a lateral side and rotated by 90 degrees.

Since only one side of each letter is visible, the viewers will find it difficult to understand a message that uses this font without having an explanatory dictionary on hand. “Our headline-based campaign will make readers look, think and learn,” proclaims NLP.

This amazing initiative provides a great statement about how we should interpret different news around the web. The project features a series of printed and digital ads and was born as part of a pro-bono partnership with the New York-based agency. Also, the campaign is supported by a new landing page, where users can download the Headline Maker mobile app and a special keyboard — available both for Android and iOS.

Some of the ads will be featured in magazines and major news portals like AOL, Fox News, and The Wall Street Journal, with media spaces donated by mobile advertising brand, Kargo.

Will you start questioning everything from now on or will you let others choose what’s best for you to read? Let us know in the comments, possibly with a link to your own headline using either the Android or iOS app.


Client: News Literacy Project

Agency: JWT New York