Founded in 2009, the media platform Atlas Obscura was created with the aim to show people that the world still hides some fascinating places in its far corners. Guided by the desire to uncover these treasures, the brand joined forces with cinematic virtual reality studio Start VR, and launched an interactive travel experience titled “Atlas Obscura VR.”

The Definitive Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders features a VR app that allows enthusiasts to pamper their sight with beautiful images and listen to captivating stories. The initiative marks the first season of Atlas Obscura’s interactive cinematic masterpiece and includes three episodes.

Temples of Humankind | Click to enlarge

Thanks to the VR app that accompanies this wonderful initiative you can switch between some amazing locations that are rich in mystery. Without leaving the house, you can venture into America’s most bizarre mansion, The Winchester Mystery House situated in San Jose, California; you can enjoy the psychedelic images of the underground Temples of Humankind which are buried 30 metres below the Italian Alps; ultimately, you’ll get a chance to visit the salt mines of Salina Turda that unfold beneath Transylvania’s lands.

In addition to each of the 15-minute experiences, the VR app features other bonuses: more than 50 absorbing stories narrated by Dylan Thuras, co-founder of Atlas Obscura, and Senior Editor Ella Morton. The special treats are told through 360-degree stereographic content, interactive photogrammetry, short-documentaries, and interactive puzzles. Also, there will be new experiences released every month.

Currently, the app is available in the Oculus store only, but the team announced they will add other platforms very soon. While The Temples of Humankind: Damanhur episode can be downloaded for free, the content of the other two virtual destinations can be unlocked only when purchased.

Salina Turda | Click to enlarge
The Winchester Mystery House | Click to enlarge

Speaking about the project, Start VR’s Chief Content Officer Martin Taylor says he believes VR technology has a much greater value when it engages the viewers in the action. “For this project, we captured the fascinating features and stories from each destination to provide visitors with the impression that they’re traveling with a companion and to give them the intuitive freedom to explore and interact at their own pace,” explains Taylor.

“With Atlas Obscura VR, we wanted to capture the experience of exploring a fascinating location and not knowing what’s around the corner,” adds Thuras. He also claims that the app is different from other VR tours because it also gives viewers permission to explore the surroundings.

The high-quality images combined with 8k 360-degree stereoscopic video blend perfectly in an outstanding result that lures viewers to join a mesmerizing journey which they will never forget. Check out the video trailer for Atlas Obscura’s first season and let the stunning illustrations carry you to an adventurous and mystic world.


Client: Atlas Obscura

VR Studio: Start VR