Poverty and lack of education in the developing countries are amongst the main issues that favor STDs to spread, especially among young people. Let’s say (hypothetically) that Brazil does not classify itself in this category. There are no problems. No internal factors that disrupt STD prevention.

Unfortunately, there are… And there’s one particular issue you would have never thought existed. There’s a common saying stating that “Sex with a condom is like eating candy with the wrapper on.” Quite a saying, isn’t it? Well, as funny as you think this expression might be, it is as much harmful because it slows down STD prevention delivered by brands and government. So how do you convince youngsters, who are 100% sure that the old saying is as true as it gets, to change their perception? You use their own words as a weapon to fight this epidemy.

Jontex, a brand that manufactures and markets condoms, thought of using young adults’ own words and turned them into reality. While joining forces with BETC São Paulo, the company designed a campaign that spins around a very unusual centerpiece: an edible candy wrapper. Yup, a sweet that aims to prove that sexual intercourse with a condom can be as delicious as a candy and as safe as houses.

Highlighting the importance of condom use is one of the main goals for Jontex. But the brand couldn’t miss the opportunity to also promote its Real Feel condom, which, according to the company, “allows a real skin-skin touch sensation.” So, there you have it: a sweet candy wrapped in a comestible packaging that redefines the old saying and promotes safe sex. How cool is that?

To show that sex with a condom can, indeed, be rewarding, the company sent a special kit with the candy wrappers and the new Jontex Real Feel to digital influencers. But social media gurus were not the only ones to try the unusual candy packaging thanks to the brand’s ingenious idea to also distribute them in bars.

The sweet results can be admired in a two-minute-long case study video, which shows the influencers as they eat non-edible candy first and then try the ingenious product developed by the São Paulo-based agency. When trying the safe-to-eat candy, the testers all get positively impressed, saying they want more. But more candy comes with a cost (not an expensive one, though). Aware of the fact that the sweets come from the hands of a condom company, the influencers get the idea and decide to spread the word about the new kind of condoms. Sweet ones! Well done, Jontex, well done!


Client: Reckitt Benckiser
Brand: Jontex
Agency: BETC São Paulo
CCO: Erh Ray
Creative: Rodolfo Barreto, Daniel Schiavon, Alexandre Ravagnani, Chico Lucas, Americo Vizer, Fillipe Abreu, Gustavo Guives, José Pedro Bortolini e Vitor Prado
Creative Project Management: Gabriela Muller
Brand&Business: Daniela Keller e Luana Gregorio
Communications & PR: Camila Nakagawa
Strategy: Renata Bokel, Utymo Oliveira e Paula Lins
Channels & Engagement: Carlinha Gagliardi, Felippe Sobrinho, Ruy Neto, Artur Martins e Herlan Honorato
Production: Mariane Goebel, Anna Ferraz, Julia Padovan e Daniela Nammur
Graphic Production: Gilmar Souza, Carlos Valeriano, Robson DeVitto, Plínio Junior, Márcio Brusaferro
Production Company: Corazon Filmes
Director: Premier King
Motion Producer: Tiago Hasegawa
Audio Production: Cabaret Studio
Client Approval: Guilherme Nogueira, Paula Neves e Juliana Rufino