Bus shelters are highly important, as they lie at the intersection between the passengers and the bus. Waiting for the bus is not exactly fun, but when one has to wait for ten minutes or more for the bus, a bus shelter with a spectacular design can positively influence the commuters’ experience.

Until September 5, bus shelters across London, Manchester, Brighton, Cardiff, and Liverpool allow passengers to step into a fantastic world, where gravity is defied and pleasant cucumber scents flood bus shelters, in Hendrick’s Gin‘s initiative to promote the Gin Cucumber Lemonade summer serve, empowering people to “step into the peculiar and embrace the delectable. ”

The Victorian-surrealism-themed activations are developed with the help of the Space agency, which reimagined one of the most mundane places and turned them into portals where people can step in and explore a one-of-a-kind world before actually getting on the bus.

Commuters are transported into Hendrick’s Gin’s wonderful world through a simple glimpse at the brand’s unmistakable visuals, merging natural elements and a Victorian surrealism that links an inherited brand feel with a post-modern edge.

Sean Kelly, Associate Director at Space, says: “Hendrick’s Gin injects the mundane with the peculiar through their unique approach to gin making. Through the lens of this unique and highly delectable gin, we’ve turned the daily commute upside-down by transforming bus shelters into portals to another world. It’s been a pleasure to continue our most curious journey with the Hendrick’s team.”

James Keen, Senior Brand Manager at William Grant & Sons, adds: “The pandemic may have momentarily resigned us to smaller, more conventional lives. As we step out into this new world, we want to delight in new experiences and savor the unexpected. There is no better time for Hendrick’s to encourage and reward innate human curiosity. This disruptive out-of-home activation marks a departure from the conventional. And Space has expertly brought our unique brand promise to life. We’re thrilled with the results and to see our brand’s peculiar narrative evolve.”

Each bus shelter features an upside-down “living roof” made up of roses and cucumbers. Not only the vivid colors but also a unique, pleasant smell distributed in every shelter that brings to life Hendrick’s Gin’s peculiar infusion of rose and cucumber delight the city-dwellers. Yet, the multisensory experience does not end here: A doorbell engraved with ‘Press for the Peculiar’ triggers old-fashioned music and a Victorian gentleman-style monologue.

Within the artwork, secret messages are hidden, offering rewards with informative descriptions about Hendrick’s Gin to those who are thirsty to find out more. The cherry on top is an upside-down 3D recreation of the Hendrick’s Gin bottle captured in a 6-sheet panel. Real liquid is continuously poured, without overflowing, into a glass of Hendrick’s Gin Cucumber Lemonade. Even the floor, adorned with clouds, offers passengers a way to delight themselves while waiting for the bus. In addition, a QR code — available both on the floor and back panels of the shelters — invite consumers to access the company’s summer-themed landing page where they can find inspiration, tips, and recipes to make the perfect Hendrick’s Gin Cucumber Lemonade.

Have you ever imagined that the mundanity of waiting for a bus can be so much fun?


Client: Hendrick’s Gin

Agency: Space