With the pandemic coming to an end (hopefully soon enough), a feeling of relief, that things will be forgotten, and that all will work out eventually embraces us all. Perhaps hope is what fuels us in these uncertain times as one of the lessons the last months have given us is that, in life, there is a bright side and a dark one.

Soliloquio, a Colombian coffee brand created in the heart of the Latin American country’s coffee zone, reminds us that “energy goes where attention goes.” Shrouding itself in a new, vibrant look designed together with Inmigrante Studio, the company builds its brand concept on “The Brightside,” without exaggerating the positivism — which actually might lead to generating something negative.

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“The brand is a reminder that what builds your reality is not what happens to you, but what you do with those things that happen, it’s a constant invitation to seek for new opportunities,” says the studio.

The coffee firm plans to encourage customers to synchronize with nature’s rhythm to find hope and even to start a small conversation with themselves. Soliloquio, which stands for a discourse we have with ourselves, is that type of speech you keep to yourself on daily topics that are part of your life. This is a mental state in which your mind walks you through problems and solutions, and in which you find yourself dreaming with eyes wide open, captivated by some things that don’t seem to make much sense.

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Starting from this idea, the studio that blends culture, art, and design to deliver future-focused brands and projects, agreed on helping the customers travel to Colombia’s coffee mountains, having as means of transportation a farmer’s Soliloquio.

Together with Profe illustrator, who was invited to create the art for the brand, the team helped the peasant’s conversation with himself visually manifest through the brand’s identity and packaging.

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The team imagined what thoughts he has while picking coffee beans. His mind paints a beautiful poem about the world of coffee, his thoughts delivering pictures of fishes flying next to parrots or hands bigger than horses. Although it seems to follow a chaotic aesthetic, the artistic creation is like “a fantastic trip to the coffee mountains of Colombia, enhancing its fauna and flora as well because we believe that nature is the great unifier and healer in any turmoil period,” adds the team behind the project. The coffee brand is developed to position itself in the European market, particularly in Berlin, but it also plans to have a national presence.

So, grab a cup of coffee, play your favorite music, and “feed the brightside” with the illustrations below.

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Client: Soliloquio

Studio: Inmigrante Studio

Illustrator: Profe